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When the topic of meditation comes up in conversation, what is your natural response? Do you become skeptical? Do you roll your eyes, outright dismissing the concept? In today’s society, the concept of meditation and mindfulness often carries bad associations. Meditation is closely linked to the idea of strange people who call themselves “free spirits” and live bohemian life styles. Despite the public perception of meditation, it’s important to know that it is a very legitimate practice. Meditation has roots in Buddhism, and has been practiced for nearly as long as people have formed tight-knit communities. Read below for more meditation wall art facts.

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Did you know that meditation has the ability to make you happier? In fact, people who meditate usually lead happier lives than those who do not meditate. Meditation has been cited as being a contributor to the flow of constructive thinking and positive emotions. Scientific evidence supports that devoting as short as a five minute block of time to meditation every day can result in big benefits. In fact, extensive studies on Buddhist monks has led to evidence that mediation leaks to a more active pre-frontal cortex in the brain. This is the zone that is most commonly associated with happy feelings! Read below for more meditation wall art facts.


Canvas Prints Wall Art - Zen Stones with Fresh Flowers Overlooking The Tropical Ocean - 12

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Meditation’s power is so strong, that there is scientific evidence that it can potentially lead to having physiological effects on the human brain. Researches at the University of Wisconsin discovered that the part of the brain the governs anxiety and stress shrinks when meditation is consistently practiced over a long period of time. Devoting time to meditation allows one to think over their lives and actions, thus allowing them to process their anxiety rather than push it toward the back of their minds. Read below for more meditation wall art facts.


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Although we previously mentioned that meditation has roots in Buddhism, it is important to note that meditation can be practiced no matter what your faith or beliefs are. Meditation is not about instilling religious doctrine into a person’s mindset, instead it is a tool that can be used and integrated into your life no matter what you believe in. In fact, the acts of contemplation and reflection are very common teachings and traits of religions around the world. Giving yourself time to think over and process the occurrences in your life is something that everyone can do! Read below for more meditation wall art facts.


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More than any other time in human history, people are having a difficult time falling asleep. The stressors of daily living – work, family, budgeting – can wear a person down to the point that they can hardly close their eyes once in bed! If you suffer from insomnia or some other type of sleep deprivation, meditation can be a perfect way to address it. Calmly reflecting on your day before bed has a relaxing effect on the body. Making sure that your body feels at peace before bed is key to falling fast asleep. Read below for more mediation wall art facts.


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One thing that many are unaware of regarding meditation is that it can aid in memory retention! Aside from enhancing your daily mood, meditation aids your memory through relaxation. When relaxed, people are often more focused. When people are focused, they are more aware of the present moment and less likely to be swept away by distractions. Being focused makes your brain more readily available to truly process your actions and retain your memories for later use. Did you enjoy these meditation wall art facts?


Are you still skeptical about the practice of meditation? There’s no need to be! Meditation can be practiced wherever and whenever you please; simply take a few minutes out of your day and concentrate on your body and spirit. Give yourself time to relax and reflect over life. You’ll be happier, we’re sure of it! We hope you enjoyed these meditation wall art facts.