Since the dawn of time, humans have been making organized, rhythmic noise. Across the planet, people of different cultures, genders and ideals continue to influence the world by sharing interesting sounds. Music is such an integral part of the human experience that it should come as no surprise that listening to it has a myriad of health benefits!Wall26 has provided you with five music wall art tips that you should know. Read below to see how listening to music can benefit your life!


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Did you know that research has proven that listening to your favorite music can make your brain release dopamine? Dopamine is essentially a chemical that makes people feel emotions like happiness, excitement, or joy. So next time you’re feeling sad, why not try to listen to some of your favorite tunes? Amplifying and changing your mood with music is a healthy way to try and resolve life’s problems. Read below for the next music wall art tip.


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Stress is one of the biggest leaders to both severe illness and death. Managing your stress is a key part of life, but successfully staving it off can be extremely difficult. That’s where music comes in! Did you know that listening to your favorite music can decrease the levels of the stress hormone “cortisol” within your body? One study has even shown that playing an instrument can boost your immune system even more than just passively listening to a song! Why not turn some music on in whatever environment you happen to be in? Just walk around for a moment and feel as the rhythm slowly reduces your stress! Read below for the next music wall art tip.


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If you live in America, you know that driving is a facet of the American experience! Driving back and forth from your destinations every day can be a very draining experience. So, why not put on some of your favorite music? It has been shown in studies that music can positively affect your mood while driving. A boost in mood while driving can result in safer and more alert driving behavior. The next time you feel bored or frustrated on the road, why not plug in your mp3 player or a CD? Read below for the next music wall art tip.


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As we age, it can get harder to remember things. The neurons in our brain may not function quite as well, which leads us to often forget things that we want to remember. Music can possible be a remedy to that. Studies have shown that music can help you both learn and recall information more efficiently. It has been shown that playing soft, pleasant music while either learning something or doing something important helps to imprint within us better memories. So the next time to want to remember something, why not play a little music?


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Everyone knows that managing a diet is one of the hardest things a person can do. We live in a world of excess, so forcing behavior that inhibits our desires can be disastrous. One diet tip that isn’t quite as well known is the effect of music. Did you know that music can help you eat less? Research has shown that when eating, choosing a room with soft lighting and low music often leads to people eating less calories than they would have normally consumes. So if you’re looking to curb your appetite, turn down the lights and put on some smooth jazz! Did you enjoy those music wall art tips?


As you have read, music has a variety of healthy benefits. Whether it comes to our moods, stressors, driving habits, memories, or diets, music has definitely got your back. Make sure to heed these tips and try practicing them when you have the time. We hope these music wall art tips will make you healthier!