Life never stops throwing challenges at us. Be it professionally or personally, most people are always trying to take control of a difficult aspect of their lives. Sometimes the amount of stressors in our lives can be overwhelming! It’s extremely important for people to have some sort of relief. Let’s take a look below at some motivational quote wall art below as well as some accompanying tips for living a more motivated life!
Body Language
Did you know that body language is one of the most important parts of interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. It affects not only how we are perceived by others, but also the physicality and health of our own bodies. Holding your body upright in a “power pose” throughout the day makes you more confident! Not slouching also communicates to others that you’re taking something seriously, rather than being lackadaisical. Look below for the next motivational quote wall art.
Talk to Yourself
Talking to yourself is usually a trait that characterizes crazy people in the media. However, did you know that talking to yourself is perfectly healthy? Keeping a constant internal dialogue by asking yourself questions or making statements like: “Did I eat today?”, “Do I need a break?”, or “Wow! I did a good job!” helps to promote mental health. Don’t feel weird for doing it! Constantly checking in with your needs and making sure your wellbeing is taken care of is great! Look below for the next motivational quote wall art.
Give Yourself a Treat
This is one of the most fun motivation tips to follow! Why not try getting motivated by rewarding yourself with a dopamine-releasing treat! Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that essentially gives us a pleasurable feeling or sensation. Foods that release dopamine are: chocolate, blueberries, spirulina, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. Why not bring a chocolate bar to work? Break off a piece and eat it whenever you complete a major task. Feeling better already, huh? Look below for the next motivational quote wall art.
Make A Deal
A great motivator is writing some sort of contract with yourself. Let’s say you have a goal of running 30 miles within the span of a month. Why not write a contract where failure to run 30 miles in a month means that you have to spend a few hours picking up trash around your community? Have a friend look over the contract, making sure that you complete your goal. What better way is there to motivate yourself than having a self-imposed deadline? Look below for the next motivational quote wall art.
Put Some Color Into Your Life
Did you know that seeing certain colors can make you more prone to being in different moods? For instance, constantly being around red can you irritable or very quick to anger. For motivation, the best colors to be around are blue and green. Blue is calming; it invites a relaxing mood into your space. Green is the color of growth; it inspires you to be the best that you can be, making you eager to constantly improve on yourself. So why not hang some motivational quote wall art in your space to improve your mood?
Being motivated is paramount to living a healthy and productive life. Make sure that you do everything within your power to keep yourself motivated and eager to improve on yourself. With the help of the tips in this article and some motivational quote wall art, doing that can be pretty simple!