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Even before the dawn of agriculture, fruits and vegetables have been in the human diet. Fruits and vegetables have been prepared and eaten in multiple ways: raw, steam, sautéed, chilled, roasted and grilled. We’ve learned how to blend and press them into juices, how to dehydrate them for seasonings, and even how to turn select ones into medicine! Considering the long history of fruits and vegetables, it goes without saying that there are a lot of important facts regarding them that many people do not know. So, join Wall26 as we educate you with some food wall art facts!

Freeze ‘Em!

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Fruits and vegetables are a healthy part of any diet, but opinions on when they are at their most nutritious vary. One “fact” that has been commonly floated around the world is that freezing your fruits and vegetables results in them having decreased amounts of vitamins. This has led many to believe that As widespread as this theory has become, it is simply untrue. Freezing your fruits and vegetables in a tightly sealed container preserves their nutritional qualities almost as well as if you’d personally grew them yourself. So don’t fret! Buy as many frozen fruits and vegetables as you want! Now onto the next food wall art fact!


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Although this is a common fact, it is one that bears repeating especially when many places around the world are in health-related crises. Fruits and vegetables are both the perfect vehicles to use to incorporate more fiber into your diet. Fiber has very important health benefits. Fiber promotes regular bowel movements, lowers cholesterol, regulates blood sugars and helps to make sure you feel fuller for a longer amount of time. Every benefit fiber has can lead you to a healthier lifestyle. Now onto the next food wall art fact!


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I’m sure you’ve called a certain vegetable “gross” or “disgusting” at one point in your life. Did you know that the most “disgusting” vegetables can often be the most healthy. For instance, brussels sprouts are constantly ranked as one of the least enjoyable vegetables there is. Many find their distinct bitter flavor and pungent smell to be off-putting. The truth is that brussels sprouts are packed with vitamins and minerals, have barely any calories and fill you up with tons of fiber. They’re the vegetable that truly does it all! Now onto the next food wall art fact!


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Many people who don’t like to eat vegetables cite the fact they are not as nutritious as meat. This could not be any further from the truth! Did you know that, pound for pound, broccoli contains more protein than steak? Although you’d comparatively have to eat more broccoli than steak to get the equal protein amount, broccoli is considerably healthier when taking everything into account. Broccoli doesn’t come with saturated fats or an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Potatoes, artichokes and asparagus are also healthy protein packed vegetables. Now onto the next food wall art fact!


fruits and vegetables

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Peeling fruits and vegetables is very common. Who doesn’t like a nicely cut, peeled apple? Who doesn’t prepare their carrots by first peeling their skin? The truth is, however, that most vegetables have a significant amount of vitamins and minerals located directly within the skin. In most cases, it’s much more beneficial for an individual to choose to eat their fruits and vegetables with the skin in tact. Now onto the next food wall art fact!


So to surmise, fruits and vegetables are an important part of maintaining a healthy diet. Make sure to remember that freezing your vegetables is fine, eating brussels sprouts despite their taste is a good idea, and that peeling the skin off your veggies may be a bad one! We hope you enjoyed all of the food wall art facts you read today!