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Found all around the world, from North and South America to Europe and Asia, bears are an exceptionally diverse species. In fact, there are eight species of bears: the two North American and Asiatic black bears, the brown bear, the panda, the polar bear, the sloth bear, the sun bear, and the spectacled bear. Due to rapid deforestation and global warming, all of these bear species are unfortunately endangered. Due to this, now is a better time than ever to get to know some interesting bear wall art facts.


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Pandas are known around the world for their love of bamboo. They constantly sit around gnawing on bamboo for hours on end, which has given them a bit of a lazy perception in popular culture. Due to the size of pandas, it is very necessary for them to get proper nutrition. Pandas spend upward of 12 hours eating nearly 20 to 40 pounds of plants daily. In order to feed on plants efficiently, pandas have evolved to have special physical adaptations. Pandas have a wrist bone on each front paw that has been specially elongated to offer easier paw maneuverability when eating bamboo. Essentially, pandas have thumbs! Read below for more bear wall art facts.


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Many white bears are part of a subspecies called “Kermode” bears. Many of these Kermode bears are found in British Columbia. Though technically classified as black bears, this subspecies is notable because around 25% of theme have fully white coats. The Kermode bears, like many other animals, have been the source of inspiration for many people; this include members of the First Nations native American tribes. Within the First Nations, these bears are known as “spirit bears”. These bears are recognized in their folklore as being the source of snow and ice. Read below for more bear wall art facts.


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Global climate change has many effects. Some are easily predictable, while others feel much more random. Changing climates obviously impact wildlife and have made animals that were already endangered even more threatened with the possibility of extinction. Interestingly enough, climate change has actually caused an uptick in population growth for some species. Due to climate change’s effects on environment, bears of different species are wandering into each other’s territories. Specifically, brown bears and polar bears are meeting more frequently and surprisingly enough, successfully mating. This has caused an uptick in hybrid bear species that are part polar and part grizzly. Read below for more bear wall art facts.


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Did you know that the term “black bears” is actually a misnomer? In other words, black bears are not always black! Though the species is called “black bear”, the bears that it is comprised of come in a variety of colors including: black, brown, blond and white. Bears range in color due to their surrounding environments. For example, lighter colored black bears are extremely common in the western half of the United States. Lighter colors allow for easier camouflaging in meadow environments. They also absorb less heat, making the animal much more comfortable in summer and spring seasons. Read below for more bear wall art facts.


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Most mammals are just that – mammals. Mammals are notable for only living on Earth’s surface, breathing through lungs, and giving birth to live creatures. Polar bears, though classified as mammals, buck this trend. These bears are the only species to be considered a marine mammal. Due to evolution brought on by their environments, polar bears have an intimate relationship with oceanic landscapes. In order to survive within their icy habitats, polar bears have webbed paws that allow them to quickly speed through water. They even have a layer of blubber not found in other bear species; this helps to make them more buoyant and resistant to the effects of cold water. Did you enjoy these bear wall art facts?


Bears are magnificent creatures, but the sheer variety of these mammals is understated by society at large. Each type of bear lives in specific environs, eats different food, and does different daily activities. Based off of the information provided in these facts, do you now have a favorite bear species? Wall26 hopes you enjoy bears of all kinds! We hope you enjoyed reading these facts!